NOT Just The USA - Many Fatal Shootings/Stabbings During Coronation Day
(too old to reply)
2023-05-09 02:00:19 UTC

Scotland Yard has launched an investigation after four people
were shot in three separate incidents in London during a weekend
of violence that also saw two teenagers and a 27-year-old man
stabbed to death.

In all three shootings, the victims had been sitting in a car
when a gunman approached and opened fire.

. . .

No, not JUST in the USA.

This is a post-Covid thing ... 'civilization'
wore off and could take generations, or
centuries, to recover.

Meanwhile ... remember those "Mad Max" movies ?

OK, OK ... might be more "Clockwork Orange"
in the UK .......
2023-05-09 02:59:22 UTC
Post by 26B.X948
Scotland Yard has launched an investigation after four people
were shot in three separate incidents in London during a weekend
of violence that also saw two teenagers and a 27-year-old man
stabbed to death.
In all three shootings, the victims had been sitting in a car
when a gunman approached and opened fire.
. . .
No, not JUST in the USA.
This is a post-Covid thing ... 'civilization'
wore off and could take generations, or
centuries, to recover.
Meanwhile ... remember those "Mad Max" movies ?
OK, OK ... might be more "Clockwork Orange"
in the UK .......
Serbia has some of the toughest gun laws in the world and the recent shooter there used a gun that
was illegally obtained.

This is proof that gun control will never work. The bad guys will always be able to get guns and
the honest citizens will not or it will be difficult for them.

Proof is prohibition.
So how did that work out?
It fueled organized crime who provided a product that was illegal.
The same will happen with guns.
Tommy Chong For President 2024.
Crazy Joe Biden Is A Demented Imbecile.
Impeach Joe Biden 2022.
2023-05-09 04:42:30 UTC
Post by pothead
Post by 26B.X948
Scotland Yard has launched an investigation after four people
were shot in three separate incidents in London during a weekend
of violence that also saw two teenagers and a 27-year-old man
stabbed to death.
In all three shootings, the victims had been sitting in a car
when a gunman approached and opened fire.
. . .
No, not JUST in the USA.
This is a post-Covid thing ... 'civilization'
wore off and could take generations, or
centuries, to recover.
Meanwhile ... remember those "Mad Max" movies ?
OK, OK ... might be more "Clockwork Orange"
in the UK .......
Serbia has some of the toughest gun laws in the world and the recent shooter there used a gun that
was illegally obtained.
If people WANT to do mass killings they CAN do
mass killings. Many ways. No laws/bans/bullshit
can prevent it. The 'civilized perspective' USED
to be fairly effective at deterrence - but that
seems to have died of Covid (wasn't very healthy
before then either).
Post by pothead
This is proof that gun control will never work. The bad guys will always be able to get guns and
the honest citizens will not or it will be difficult for them.
Proof is prohibition.
So how did that work out?
It fueled organized crime who provided a product that was illegal.
The same will happen with guns.
The evil-minded cannot be deterred with simple
prohibitions. The kiddies need to be schooled
in ethics/empathy/fairness/tolerance/reason - but
that's considered 'fascist'/colonialist these days.
