More Tales Of Glorious "Socialized" Medicine - 3000 Mile Trip for DENTAL FILLING !
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2023-03-08 05:02:55 UTC

Dental patient had to travel nearly 3,000 miles to Turkey for a
filling - after being unable to find a dentist within 30 miles
of his home

David Moore travelled nearly 3,000 miles to Antalya, Turkey, for
dental work

He could not find a cheaper option near his home in Bridlington,
East Yorkshire

. . .

Ummmmmmmm ... why TURKEY ??? Why 3000 miles ???

Could have booked with almost any US dentist and had
the filling in a day or two - for cheaper than the
plane ticket. Orlando would be a good spot, visit
the attractions afterwards. Likely special deals for
flights to US "tourist destinations". Beats Turkey.

You can book ahead if you know your arrival date.

US dentists commonly get several appointment cancellations
per week. Show up, give them your phone number, and just
WAIT a little bit. Might score that same day. Motels aren't
so "cheap" anymore but they are plentiful in the USA and
most any of the chains will provide a decent room for a
bearable price. Florida is not 'Woke' either, so there's
somewhat less crime. Plenty of Taxi/Uber services too.

In any case, 'capitalist' medicine means lots of
competition for services - and thus decent prices
and availability. Many dentists will accommodate
"emergency" cases too, just after normal biz hours.
A filling only takes about 30 minutes after all.
Lots of online services will provide "star" ratings
for dentists and other medical providers - and five
stars aren't necessarily more expensive than three.
Even the three-stars will provide very good technical

Only downside to Orlando is June-September ... it's
very very HOT there. Brits may need pith helmets and
lots of gin tonics :-)

In any case, the UK's NHS seems to be totally imploding.
'Foreign' options are going to become NECESSARY for most.
If you have some horrible chronic disease then NHS may
still be your best (financial) bet, but for "ordinary"
ills ........
Governor Swill
2023-03-08 05:53:51 UTC
Post by 28B.I874
Dental patient had to travel nearly 3,000 miles to Turkey for a
filling - after being unable to find a dentist within 30 miles
of his home
David Moore travelled nearly 3,000 miles to Antalya, Turkey, for
dental work
He could not find a cheaper option near his home in Bridlington,
East Yorkshire
. . .
  Ummmmmmmm ... why TURKEY ??? Why 3000 miles ???
  Could have booked with almost any US dentist and had
  the filling in a day or two - for cheaper than the
  plane ticket. Orlando would be a good spot, visit
  the attractions afterwards. Likely special deals for
  flights to US "tourist destinations". Beats Turkey.
  You can book ahead if you know your arrival date.
  US dentists commonly get several appointment cancellations
  per week. Show up, give them your phone number, and just
  WAIT a little bit. Might score that same day. Motels aren't
  so "cheap" anymore but they are plentiful in the USA and
  most any of the chains will provide a decent room for a
  bearable price. Florida is not 'Woke' either, so there's
  somewhat less crime. Plenty of Taxi/Uber services too.
  In any case, 'capitalist' medicine means lots of
  competition for services - and thus decent prices
  and availability. Many dentists will accommodate
  "emergency" cases too, just after normal biz hours.
  A filling only takes about 30 minutes after all.
  Lots of online services will provide "star" ratings
  for dentists and other medical providers - and five
  stars aren't necessarily more expensive than three.
  Even the three-stars will provide very good technical
  Only downside to Orlando is June-September ... it's
  very very HOT there. Brits may need pith helmets and
  lots of gin tonics  :-)
  In any case, the UK's NHS seems to be totally imploding.
  'Foreign' options are going to become NECESSARY for most.
  If you have some horrible chronic disease then NHS may
  still be your best (financial) bet, but for "ordinary"
  ills ........
In the US you die if you can't pay.
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